Monino – Central Air Force Museum

No visit to Moscow (as I did for MAKS 2017) would be complete without a trip to the infamous Central Air Force Museum at Monino.

Often berated for how difficult it is to photograph the exhibits and the condition of some of the aircraft, it nevertheless contains the weird, the exotic and the downright wonderful!

Once again my trip looked to be best with poor weather but after a heavy shower, during which we explored the main internal exhibits, we were able to get across the road and into the open storage fields.

Some of the aircraft are still tucked away in difficult to access locations and indeed there are (elderly) security guards watching for anyone that might take it upon themselves to try and get that ‘special’ photo, as did one of our group (our group leader no less – you’d think he’d know better), who was summarily marched back to the main path and warned about his behaviour.

Here are a selection of the images.