Back in the day, when NAS Miramar was “Fightertown” as made famous in TopGun, I stood outside the fence capturing a few images of the resident F14’s and E2’s as they carried their training. Although standing outside the fence of an active US Navy base was tolerated in those days, especially if you didn’t block the highway, I still recall being anxious about getting a visit from the local sheriff.
My photographic equipment wasn’t quite as good as nowadays – I think I may have been using a Sigma 400mm or a 70-210mm lens on a Nikon F401 at the time, although I may have upgraded to the F801. Added to that I was often processing the film myself, to save costs and thus some images from my early days may have a strange colour cast on them!
I’ve scanned these in to Adobe Lightroom CC2015 from the original slides using a specialist scanning configuration from SlideSnap, then post processed them to remove scratches and try and sharpen them up a little using Adobe Photoshop CC 2015.
Hope you enjoy the memories!